Monday, January 9, 2012

WriYe Goals

I am participating in WriYe this year, with a goal of 100,000. If I manage to keep my 750 words streak up, then that will really only be a drop in the water. This is a list of my current WiPs and things I want to edit.

I will edit this post as I make progress on all my writing goals. (Sorry for the bad paste.)
2012 Total Word Goal: 100,000
Progress: 7,108/100,000
- Drafts in Progress -
In League with Demons (HistNoWriMo 2012 - 10-15k)
Progress: 5.1/15k
A girl becomes obsessed with an antique photograph of a young man. It transports her back in time, where she must save his soul from demons.
Untitled Demon Hunter Story (50k)
Progress: /50k
A young woman learns that she is chosen by God to save the world from total corruption by the Devil.
- Editing -
Bonds of Blood (NaNoWriMo 2011 - 50k)
Progress: 0/50k
Ambrose, Sebastian, Celia, and Zacharias are a family of vampires who have lived together for decades. When Ambrose's enemy, the vampire Malachi, arrives in town, he is a threat to the entire family, a threat to all vampires. As Malachi weaves an intricate web of lies and dangers, Ambrose, Sebastian, Celia and Zacharias are all forced to make decisions that could cost them dearly. There is only one solution: kill Malachi. Yet even that has its risks...
Blood of Savannah* (NaNoWriMo 2010 - 50k)
Progress: 0/50k
A girl is transported back in time to attempt to save a family of vampires in preset day from their fate.
Upon a Darkened Stair (GothNoWriMo 2011 - 22k unfinished)
Progress: 0/25k
Evelyn and her brother Thomas went to Marsdon Manor for a getaway after their father's death. But what secrets does this secluded island house hold?
- Rewrite -
The Carnival Illure (NaNoWriMo 2009 - 50k)
Progress: 0/50k
- Episodic Literature -
The Terrors of Blackbourn Plantation - 40 Episodes
Progress: /40
Deadly Grace - 6 Installments
Progress: 0/6
Machinations - 5 Installments
Progress: 0/5
*= Tentative Ttile

Friday, January 6, 2012

So Much Writing

It has been almost two years since I last updated this blog. Two NaNoWriMos and a GothNoWriMo have passed, as well as a year of college, and the creation of a new eipsodic literature, and the passing away of a most beloved pet/sister/baby/writing mascot/friend. So much life.

I'm thinking about blogging again. Here and on my book blog. I think maybe I could be writing blog buddies with a couple of friends, and that would make posting here more worth it. Maybe it could keep me accountable, as well.

For now, I'll just say all this, as sort of a transitional post before I start really using this blog again. GothNoWriMo was a very near success, NaNoWriMo with friends was a big success, especially thanks to word wars, and so far, HistNoWriMo is going well - better than expected, maybe.

So far, my plans for writing this year might be a little over acheiving, but that's better than nothing at all. I want to write a few more first drafts in challenges, maybe a finish a few without challenges, edit some existing drafts, and bring my episodic literatures back to life, as well as maybe introduce a new one. (I know, I'm crazy.) I'd like to finish a short story or two, something I can be at least a little proud of. I want to sart submitting things for publicaton in magazines, and maybe even play around with a few of my e-publishing experiments I'm considering. I may not do all those things. I might get a little closer to doing some of those things, with ebtter luck next year. But I've got to try and push forward, move ahead in my writing goals. Because I keep looking at the past ways I've dealt with the only thing I've ever really wanted, and I've realized I've never tried hard enough to get accomplish my goals. So, now it's time.

I have a great circle of support, both in person and online, and there's no reason why I can't try to devote a little more time to my dream. I'm the only one standing in my way, and I'm ready to commit more of my time.

Wish me luck!