Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Work, Work, Work!

Okay, so, I just finished a writing class. It really helped me a lot, so I’m taking another by the same instructor soon. Daddy got me a Laptop for my birthday, so I can be a mean writing machine anywhere in the house!

Which I very much intend to be. I’m working on outlining some stuff so I’ll be ready when NaNoWriMo gets here. And I want to get some chapters, at least some proofs, ready to post for opinions. It’s slow going.

I need to take some serious time to figure out my plots and such, and get names ready. I have a lot of work to do, and I’ve got to take more time to do it. And still have enough extra free time for reading, and my other crafts.

So look forward to something coming soon, whether it be a character meeting, or a short story, or a snippet of something else.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Features Coming Soon!

Well, like I said, there are some new features coming soon. But before you’ll really understand what they are as they come out, I need to tell you about something called a candybar doll.

They’re Asian in origin (Korean, I think?) and you make them at a Korean website, or in English at elouai.com. Now, I’m obsessed with making these things. There’s lots of options, and tons of inspiration for me. So, my favorite thing to do is make dolls of my characters, or make random dolls that can inspire me for something.

Now, that’ll be important later. For now, let me tell you about some new fun stuff I’m thinking of starting.

I’ll be working on character introduction pages, featuring characters form my stories, and  little bit about them. These will sometime feature the aforementioned candybar dolls.

I also have another feature coming up concerning dolls, but I’ll keep that a bit of a surprise. I will tell you that I’m thinking of calling this feature ‘Who is this person?"’ or something to that effect.

So, I’m going to continue getting my crap together. In the meantime, happy writing and reading!